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Brentford Community Stadium

Brentford Community Stadium

166 Lionel Rd NTW8 9QTBrentfordUnited Kingdom

Brentford Community Stadium is a stadium in Brentford, West London, that is the home of bo...

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109 US$
546 US$


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Brentford FC vs Brighton & Hove Albion FC 2024-2025 Premier League

 apr 19, 2025, 15:00 GMT (14:00 UTC)
Brentford Community Stadium, Brentford, Velika Britanija
188 karte dostupne
107 US$

Brentford FC vs Chelsea FC 2024-2025 Premier League

 apr 5, 2025, 15:00 GMT (14:00 UTC)
Brentford Community Stadium, Brentford, Velika Britanija
199 karte dostupne
175 US$

Brentford FC vs Fulham FC 2024-2025 Premier League

 maj 18, 2025, 15:00 GMT (14:00 UTC)
Brentford Community Stadium, Brentford, Velika Britanija
84 karte dostupne
300 US$

Brentford FC vs Manchester United FC 2024-2025 Premier League

 maj 3, 2025, 15:00 GMT (14:00 UTC)
Brentford Community Stadium, Brentford, Velika Britanija
405 karte dostupne
373 US$
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